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The idea to adorn the rocks ,came to us out of our desire to make the ambient more confortable and as a reaction to the limited offer that was on the market at the time.

Since 1993, we have been executing ambient works of interior and exterior decorations as well as a great variety of ornamental products made of different kinds of rocks, such as: granite, marble, andesite, lime, slate etc. To the intrinsic qualities of the rocks and their exceptional manufacture, we add precious materials such as tarsias with ornamental gems and tourmalines, manufacturing splines with gold, applying bronze ornaments, so that in the end we have works that comply with the most exquisite tastes.

We co-operate with our customers, offering them guidance in the execution of some customised works in order to cater for everyone’s need for comfort and not lose touch with the adopted personal style.

Through time our company has diversified its range of products into a variety of models, which through creativity, functionality and quality execution meet all our clients’ expectations.

We offer:

1.fireplaces with classical, rustic or modern architecture,

2. barbecues

3.plies for various uses

4. balusters and handrails

5. pedestals and ornamental pillars

6. artesian wells

7. tables for various uses

8.ornamental vases, ashtrays, lamps and candlesticks

9. other ornamental objects

We like to think that we are well-known for the quality of our products and therefore there is nothing else for us to do but convince you of that.

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Designed by SC RODONIT SRL